Our Members
WALN current members are listed below - Use the links and google map below to learn more about our member groups
- ABC Foundation Limited
- Activate Tree Planting
- Albany and Surrounds Feral Cat Working Group
- Armadale Branch Wildflower Society of WA
- Armadale City Rivercare Group
- Armadale Gosnells Landcare Group Inc
- Armadale Settlers Common Management Group
- Augusta Community Nursery/Augusta Land and Coastcare
- Australian Coastal Society
- Australian Wildlife Conservancy – South West Region
- Avongro
- Avon Valley Environmental Society Inc
- Badgebup Aboriginal Corporation
- Baigup Wetland Interest Group
- Baldivis Children’s Forest
- Balingup Friends of the Forest
- Bannister Creek Catchment Group
- Bassendean Preservation Group Inc.
- Belmont Community Environmental Champions
- Beverley River Care Group Inc
- Bibbul Ngarma Aboriginal Association Inc.
- Bibbulmun Track Foundation
- Bicton Environmental Action Group
- Binningup Coastcare & Environment Group
- Blackadder Woodbridge Catchment Group Inc
- Blackwood Basin Group
- Blackwood Biosecurity Inc.
- Blackwood Environment Centre
- Bungendore Park Environment Group Inc.
- Busselton Dunsborough Environment Centre Inc.
- Cambridge Coastcare
- Canning River Residents Environment Protection Assoc Inc
- Cape Conservation Group
- Capel LCDC
- Carbon Neutral Charitable Fund
- Care For Hedland Environmental Association Inc.
- Caring for the Avon River Environment Inc.
- Carnamah LCDC
- Central Wheatbelt Biosecurity Association
- Chapman River Friends
- Chittering Landcare Centre
- Claise Brook Catchment Group
- Clever Clogs Community Organisations for Climate Action
- Cockburn Wetlands Education Centre Inc
- Cockburn Community Wildlife Corridor Inc
- Conservation Council WA
- Corrigin Farm Improvement Group
- Cottesloe Coastcare Association
- Denmark Bird Group
- Denmark Environment Centre
- Denmark Weed Action Group
- Derby Landcare Group
- Dolphin Discovery Centre
- Dumbleyung Land Conservation District Committee
- Dunsborough Coast and Land Care Inc.
- Ellen Brockman Integrated Catchment Management Group
- Environmental Research Group Augusta
- Environs Kimberley
- Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation
- Falcon Coastcare
- FAWNA Inc.
- Fitzgerald Biosphere Group
- For the Love of Wildlife Ltd
- Frenchman Bay Association
- Friends of Bill Brown Park
- Friends of Bob Blackburn Flora Reserve
- Friends of Bold Park Bushland
- Friends of Booragoon and Bluegum Lakes
- Friends of Booyiup Wetlands
- Friends of Cantonment Hill
- Friends of Clontarf Hill
- Friends of Coolbinia Bushland
- Friends of the Dale River
- Friends of Erindale Road Bushland
- Friends of the Fitzgerald River National Park Inc.
- Friends of Galup – Lake Monger
- Friends of Gracetown and Cowaramup Bay
- Friends of Gabbiljee
- Friends of Hollis Park
- Friends of Inglewood Triangle
- Friends of Jirdarup Bushland
- Friends of Kadina Brook
- Friends of Ken Hurst Park
- Friends of Koondoola BUSH
- Friends of Lake Claremont Limited
- Friends of Lake Gwelup
- Friends of Meelup Regional Park Inc.
- Friends of Moore River Estuary Inc.
- Friends of Mosman Park Bushland
- Friends of Nguraren Kalleep Reserve
- Friends of North Ocean Reef – Iluka Foreshore
- Friends of Paganoni Swamp
- Friends of Perry Lakes
- Friends of Piesse Brook Inc.
- Friends of Porteous Park
- Friends of Queens Park Bushland
- Friends of Rossmoyne Park
- Friends of Samphire Cove Nature Reserve
- Friends of Samson Park
- Friends of Sorrento Beach & Marmion Foreshore
- Friends of Success Hill Reserve
- Friends of Trigg Bushland (Inc.)
- Friends of Underwood Avenue Bushland Inc
- Friends of Upper Lesmurdie Falls Inc
- Friends of Warwick Bushland
- Friends of Yellagonga Regional Park
- Friends of Yongka Birl
- Gascoyne Catchments Group
- Geographe Catchment Council
- Geographe Community Landcare Nursery Inc
- Gero Clean Up Crew
- Gillamii Centre Inc.
- Gingin Water Group Inc
- Goldfields Nullarbor Rangelands Biosecurity Association Inc
- Gondwana Link Ltd
- Greening Australia
- Green Skills inc
- Harvey River Restoration Taskforce Inc.
- Helena River Catchment Group Inc.
- Island Care Christmas Island
- Jane Brook Catchment Group Inc.
- Kadina Brook Rehabilitators
- Kariyarra Aboriginal Corporation
- Katanning LCDC
- Kerkhof Carnaby Group
- Kimberley Land Council
- Kimberley Rangelands Biosecurity Association
- Lake Clifton Herron Landcare Group
- Lake Mealup Preservation Society
- Landcare Serpentine Jarrahdale Inc.
- Ledge Point Coastcare
- Leschenault Biosecurity Group
- Leschenault Catchment Council
- Leschenault Community Nursery Inc.
- Lower Blackwood Land Conservation District Committee
- Lower Helena Association
- Lyndon Land Conservation District Committee
- Mandurah Environment and Heritage Group
- Manning Park Conservation Society Inc.
- Margaret River Regional Environment Centre
- Meekatharra Rangelands Biosecurity Association Inc.
- Moora Miling Pasture Improvement Group Inc.
- Moore Catchment Council Inc
- Mullaloo Beach Community Group Inc
- National Trust of Western Australia
- Nature Conservation Margaret River Region
- Ngurawaana Community (Juluwarla) Aboriginal Corporation
- Noongar Land Enterprise Group
- North Stirling Pallinup Natural Resources Inc.
- North Swan Land Conservation District Committee (Bullsbrook Landcare)
- Northern Agricultural Catchments Council
- Ngurawaana Community (Juluwarla) Aboriginal Corporation
- Oil Mallee Association
- Origins Centre Soc. Inc
- Oyster Harbour Catchment Group
- Ozfish Unlimited
- Palomino Catchment Group
- Peel Harvey Biosecurity Group
- Peel-Harvey Catchment Council
- Peel Region Western Ringtail Possum Action Group
- Peron Naturaliste Partnership Inc
- Perth Intrepid Landcare
- Perth NRM
- Promote Preston
- Quinns Rocks Environmental Group Inc
- Rangelands NRM WA
- Ravensthorpe Agricultural Initiative Network (RAIN)
- RegenWA
- Regional Urban Greening Group (Bunbury)
- Revegetation Industry Association of WA
- River Conservation Society Inc.
- Roleybushcare Inc
- Roebuck Bay Working Group
- SERCUL: South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare Inc
- Singleton Coastcare
- South Coast Management Group
- South Coast Natural Resource Management Inc.
- South West and Peel Coastal Management Group (CoastSWaP)
- South West Catchments Council
- Southern Aboriginal Corporation
- Southern Rangelands Pastoral Alliance Inc.
- Susannah Brook Catchment Group Inc.
- Swan Estuary Reserves Action Group Inc.
- Talbot Brook Land Management Assoc. Inc.
- Tangaroa Blue Foundation
- The Katanning Wildflower Group
- The Seed Library Inc
- Toby Inlet Catchment Group Inc.
- Toodyay Friends of the River
- Toodyay Naturalists’ Club Inc.
- Torbay Catchment Group Inc
- Track Care WA
- Trees4Australia
- Trillion Trees (Formally Men of the Trees)
- Undalup Association Inc.
- Urban Bushland Council WA Inc.
- WA Coastal and Marine Community Network
- WA Landskills Inc
- WA Malleefowl Recovery Group
- WA Seabird Conservation Network
- Wagin Woodanilling Landcare Zone
- Walitj Aboriginal Corporation
- Wannamal Lake Catchment Group
- Warren Catchment Council Inc
- Waterbird Conservation Group Inc
- Western Australian Forest Alliance
- Western Australian Native Orchid Study and Conservation Group Inc.
- West Koojan Gillingarra Land Conservation District Committee
- Wetlands Conservation Society Inc.
- Wheatbelt NRM Inc.
- Wildflower Society of Western Australia (Inc.)
- Wilson Inlet Catchment Committee Inc.
- Wilson Wetlands Action Group
- Wirambi Landcare
- WISALT Inc (Whittington Interceptor Sustainable Agriculture Land Treatment Society)
- Woodvale Waters Friends OF Beenyup Channel Group
- WoolkabunningKiaka
- Yarra Yarra Catchment Management Group
- Yass Area Network of Landcare Groups
- Aidin Parsons (Interested individual)
- AimWild
- Alison Goundrey (Interested individual)
- Any Evans ((Interested individual)
- Andrew Knight (BlueAnt Consulting)
- Angus Pearce (Interested individual)
- Anne-Marie Offer (Interested individual)
- Ashe Murray (Interested individual)
- Ashley Obrinenitsch (Interested individual)
- Australian Association for Environmental Education WA Chapter Inc
- Barry Green (Interested individual)
- Ben Marshall (Interested individual)
- Bill Biggs (Interested individual)
- Bill Hollingworth (Interested individual)
- Bonnie Beal Richardson (Interested individual)
- Boyd Emmerson (Interested individual)
- Brian Chambers (Interested individual)
- Bush Heritage Australia
- Caitlin Dowse (Interested individual)
- Callum Willmott (Interested individual)
- Camille Gibson (Interested individual)
- Candy Hudson (Interested Individual)
- Carbon Neutral
- Carla Swift (Interested individual)
- Dr Carol Dowling (Interested Individual)
- Casey Woodward (Interested individual)
- Catherine Hughes (Interested Individual)
- Catherine Tauss (Interested Individual)
- Cecily Cronin (Interested Individual)
- Charmaine Burke (Interested individual)
- Cheryl Hamence (Interested individual)
- Chris Fairclough (Interested individual)
- Chris Wyhoon (Interested individual)
- Christine Thomson (Interested individual)
- City of Kalamunda
- Claire Norman (Interested individual)
- Clinton Conner (Interested individual)
- Colma Keating (Interested individual)
- Cooperative Research Centre for Honey Bee Products
- Courtney Wright (Interested Individual)
- Craiglinne Estate (Regenerative Farm)
- Cyril Lund (Interested individual)
- Dallas Campbell (Interested individual)
- Danica Delaporte (Interested individual)
- Daniel Lupardo (Interested individual)
- Deb Turner (Interested individual)
- Debby Wunhym (Interested individual)
- Delisa Earl (Interested individual)
- Denise Bailey (Interested individual)
- Derrin Cramer (Interested individual)
- Diana Corbyn (Interested individual)
- Eagles Ridge Nature Park
- Eastern Hills Senior High School
- Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council
- Emily Gambold (Interested individual)
- Erin Farley (Interested individual)
- Eve Holohan (Interested individual)
- Form Forests and Environment
- Geoff Lewis (Interested individual)
- Gil Hardwick (Interested individual)
- Glen Mountford (Interested individual)
- Glenice Batchelor (Interested individual)
- Graham Stewart (Interested individual)
- Green Tree Naturopathy
- Grecian Sandwell (Interested individual)
- Growise
- Gwyneth Dean (Interested Individual)
- Hannah Aitken (Interested individual)
- Human Nature
- Ivan Lewis (Interested individual)
- Jacqueline Brougham (Interested individual)
- Jacqueline Pearson (Interested individual)
- Jada Cowdrey (Interested individual)
- Jan Hudson (Interested individual)
- Dr Jane Chambers (Interested individual)
- Jane Kowald (Interested individual)
- Jane Putland (Interested individual)
- Janet Duncan (Interested individual)
- Janette Huston (Interested individual)
- Janie Keddie (Interested individual)
- James Bowyer (Interested individual)
- Jarna Kendle (Interested individual)
- Jean Sloan (Interested individual)
- Jen Craft (Interested individual)
- Jennifer Tilt (Interested individual)
- Jim and Pam McGregor (Interested individuals)
- Joan Bradock (Interested individual)
- Joe Caspersz-Loney (Interested individual)
- John Dickson (Interested individual)
- Johnny Prefumo (The Frog Doctor)
- Joshua Kimberley (Interested individual)
- Julia Weller (Interested individual)
- Justin Fox (Interested individual)
- Justine Barker (Interested individual)
- Kallum Studman (Interested individual)
- Karo Consultancy
- Katherine Hudson (Interested individual)
- Kathleen Broderick (Interested individual)
- Kathryn Johnson (Interested individual)
- Keep Australia Beautiful Council
- Keith Ligtermoet (Interested individual)
- Kelly Fulker (Interested individual)
- Kelly Howlett (Interested individual)
- Kerrie Coates (Interested individual)
- Kerry Castles (Interested individual)
- Kezia Rea (Interested individual)
- Kimbal Wayne Doepel (Interested individual)
- Kooyar Wongi
- Land Alliance
- Lewis Marr (Interested individual)
- Life in the Bush
- Lincoln Hood (Interested individual)
- Linda Boliver (Interested individual)
- Linda Mertz (Interested individual)
- Liz Butler (Interested individual)
- Lizzie King (Interested individual)
- Lizzy Lowe (Interested individual)
- Lucy Commander (Interested individual)
- Luke Swarts (Interested individual)
- Mahogany Well (Interested individual)
- Mark Hackleton (Interested individual)
- Mark Luther (Interested individual)
- Mark Ritchie (Interested individual)
- Michael Caratti (Interested individual)
- Mike Bamford (Interested individual)
- Mineral Magic
- Mitchell Edwards (Interested individual)
- Dr Moira Maley (Interested individual)
- Molly Breen (Interested individual)
- Monica Graham (Interested individual)
- Muchea Tree Farm
- Nadine Hoffman (Interested individual)
- Natalie Reeves (Interested individual)
- Nicole Fuller (Interested individual)
- Nicole Siemon and Assoc. Pty Ltd
- Oversby Consulting
- Paul Costanzo (Interested individual)
- Paula Deegan (Interested individual)
- Pauline Hutchins (Interested individual)
- Pemberton Discovery Tours
- Philip Harbour (Interested individual)
- Pierre Bouvais (Interested individual)
- Piney Lakes Enviro Ed Centre (City of Melville)
- Plantrite – Wholesale Native Nursery
- Powderbark Permaculture
- Rangers Red Zoo and Conservation Park
- Raquel Tardin-Coelho (Interested Individual)
- Rebecca Ingram (Interested individual)
- Rebecca Palumbo (Interested individual)
- Rebecca Voisin (Interested individual)
- Robyn Nicholas (Interested individual)
- Rhys Gustafsson (Interested individual)
- Ric and Jeanette Newman (Interested individuals)
- Richard Bell (Interested individual)
- Rise, Walk and Shire
- Rob Boase (Interested individual)
- Robert Grylls (Interested individual)
- Rocky Ridge Brewing Co
- Rod Grant (Interested individual)
- Rose Thomas (Interested individual)
- Rosemary Argue (Interested individual)
- Ross Wylie (Interested individual)
- Rowan duBoulay (Interested individual)
- Rural Lifestyle Solutions
- Russel Montgomery (Interested individual)
- Sam Doyle (Interested individual)
- Samudra Sarubin (Interested individual)
- Sebastian Cowling (Interested individual)
- Seed Shed
- Shane Hunter (Interested individual)
- Sharon Bilton (Interested individual)
- Sharon Mcarther (Interested individual)
- Shire of Kojonup
- Shire of Mundaring
- Shirley Routley (Interested individual)
- Simon Hanna (Interested individual)
- Soil Science Australia (WA Branch)
- Sophie Willsher (Interested individual)
- South West Corridor Development Foundation Inc.
- Stephanie Cutmore (Interested individual)
- Steve Blyth (Interested individual)
- Sustainable Table
- Sylvia Leighton (Interested individual)
- Tamara Bielak and Tim Allen (Interested individuals)
- Tammy Harrison (Interested individuals)
- Tara Chambers (Interested individual)
- Teanna Cahill (Interested individual)
- Ted Rowley (Interested individual)
- The Carbon Farming Foundation
- The Mulloon Institute
- Threshold Environmental
- Tim Heckler (Nexxial Ecology Pty Ltd)
- Tim Law (Interested individual)
- Tim Overheu (Interested individual)
- Tracy Sievewright (Interested individual)
- Triggerplant
- Urban Nature
- Victoria Camp
- WA Climate Leaders
- WA Return Recycle Renew Ltd (Containers for Change)
- Wai Yin Cheok (Interested individual)
- Wayne Clark (Interested individual)
- Wayne Walters (Interested individual)
- Wendy Wilkins (Interested individual)
- Western Australian Bird Conservation Network
- Westgrow Farm Trees
- Woodland Services & Consulting
- Wright Veterinary Services