Facilitation Resources

In July 2021 WA Landcare Network ran a Facilitators Course for landcare professionals and volunteers. The course aimed to provide participants with practical skills to facilitate group sessions and achieve effective outcomes for landcare.
Experienced facilitator Dr Louise Duxbury shared her extensive knowledge providing participants with an understanding of the qualities of effective facilitation & how to create a collaborative nurturing space to share ideas….. and get things done!
A range of resources were made available to assist participants to further develop their skills. These resources are now available to the landcare community. Access the resources at the links below.
The WA Landcare Community encourages landcarers to be brave and take opportunities to step up and facilitate meetings, workshops and forums. If possible bring a support person along to help out and debrief afterwards on how things could have been done better. Developing facilitation skills for landcare will make us more effective in the work we do.
Facilitation – Understand and Prepare
- Art of Facilitation
- Facilitation Principles
- Facilitating Meetings
- Checklist
- Organising Successful Meetings
- Making Meetings Accessible
- Venues and Accessibility
- Virtual Meeting
- Taking successful minutes
Group Dynamics
- Working in Groups
- Effective Groups
- The Little Book of Power
- Working with Conflict
- Group Dynamics: Task and Maintenance Roles
Facilitation Tools