Making landcare views heard on the EPBC Act Review

Making landcare views heard on the EPBC Act Review

The Independent Review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 is currently underway. This is an opportunity to let the government know your views and to contribute to the shaping of future of environmental legislation in Australia. Read about the review process here

WALN prepared a comprehensive submission to the review process and with some input from our members was able to provide examples of where the current legislation needs improvements.

Take a look at WALN’s key messages to government in it’s submission:

Submissions closed on 17 April 2020, however WALN has been advised that late submissions will be accepted up until 1 May 2020.


Submit a quick comment of up to 300 works to the review 

Click here

Some possible points to raise:

  • Your personal connection to the environment and how you have worked to protect it and your experience in doing so,
  • the need for continuity in funding,
  • the need to extend the scope of Federal funding to focus beyond single species to habitats and landscapes,
  • the need to not only protect but to restore what is in a poor ecological state,
  • the lack of response to climate change is a critical gap as it impacts on and exacerbates all other threatening processes,
  • the offset process needs to be overhauled.
  • That the EPBC Act is currently not adequately protecting or restoring the environment e.g. there is continued loss of habitat and species, continued legal and illegal land clearing.
  • How the EPBC Act needs to be strengthened to protect the extent and condition of our environment.

Double your impact by writing a longer submission to the review

Click here
A longer submission requires answering terms of reference and will take some time to complete. But the review will treat submissions with a bit more weight than comments.  Your unique experience as a landcare group is important – we are on the frontline of seeing the impact of Federal legislation on the ground and how we think legislation can be improved.