A collective voice for community landcare in WA
The Future Drought Fund (FDF) provides secure, continuous funding for drought resilience initiatives and is designed to help farmers and communities prepare for the impacts of drought. Join WALN as we explore the FDF with a focus on the Drought Resilience Innovation Grants. We will have the opportunity to hear from WALN Member Groups who have been successful in receiving funding through the FDF and learn about their challenges and successes on the ground. Guest speakers will include: Laura Smith-
Find out more »UBC is organising another skills workshop, this time focused on advocating for urban bushland. It’s aimed at members of Friends groups and others wanting to refine their skills and knowledge to campaign for nature at any level. Please register here https://www.bushlandperth.org.au/event/advocacy-skills-workshop/
Find out more »Have your say on what matters to you! Join WALN for an open mic Landcare Checks In session ahead of the upcoming State and Federal Elections. We are calling on our members to raise landcare concerns and have your say on what matters to you. WALN aims to provide a collective voice to government on what’s important to our sector through the Parliamentary Friends of Landcare and your input is important. Register early and bring a friend to this important consultation event.
Find out more »CLIMATE CHANGERS - Tim Flannery's search for climate change leadership TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE July 30, 2024 at 6:00pm - 8:30pm Luna Leederville The WA Landcare Network is teaming up with Conservation Council of WA and Perth NRM to deliver a special screening of Tim Flannery's documentary, Climate Changers. CLIMATE CHANGERS follows Tim Flannery's search for leadership on climate change. Where are the leaders that will drive change? How might they succeed where others have failed? Tim poses these questions as he
Find out more »Join WALN and its special guests to explore the world of healthy country planning and its application for landcare. Understand more about what healthy country planning is, how First Nations groups are using it and how landcare groups might develop co-planning processes. We will also explore how healthy country planning approaches might be applicable to community landcare groups, enabling them to establish a good planning process, regularly check in on how much progress is made against core objectives, and continually adjust efforts to achieve those objectives. Hear from
Find out more »The annual Dieback Information Group Conference (DIG) is happening on 20-21 August 2024 in Boorloo, Perth, and online, bringing together the latest in scientific knowledge, best land management practices and industry innovation in the Phytophthora science and management space. This year’s theme “Seeing the Forest for the Trees” - has been selected to recognise the importance of holistic management for Australia's forest ecosystems, and the pivotal role that environmental biosecurity and disease hygiene play in the health of these landscapes.
Find out more »Engage in system thinking and connect with a range of local Education for Sustainability (EfS) practitioners at this one-day workshop taking place at the Kings Park and Botanic Garden Green Room. This event suits teachers, environmental educators, sustainability champions and more as it explores how our productive networks can occur anywhere - from the upper catchment, throughout the corridor and to the coast. Tickets will be available really soon, but until the meantime, you can pop the date in your
Find out more »A landcare project starts with an idea! - something that an individual or a group wants to achieve to address an issue or to protect or enhance a natural area. Many landcarers are big picture thinkers and are amazing at coming up with great ideas for landcare projects, but it is only through solid project planning and design that projects come to fruition and are successfully funded and implemented with positive benefits for the environment. Whether you are a small friends of
Find out more »Join WALN and its special guests to discuss how best to tackle the seemingly insurmountable burden of introduced weeds in a bushland reserve. Many Friends of Reserve Groups are daunted by the sheer number of weeds in their local patch, and could use a bit of guidance about how to prioritise and plan an effective weed control program. This is a chance to raise your weed control issues in a forum of like minded people and to hear from others about their
Find out more »The 2024 Environmental Practitioners Symposium is now open for registration! Hosted by the Environmental Institute of Australia and New Zealand Inc. this event will have an exciting lineup of presenters who will be showcasing insights and practical applications across four themes: Enhancing Assessment Timeframes; Biodiversity; Integrating Indigenous Knowledge; and Restoration versus Rehabilitation. Find out more https://www.eianz.org/events/event/wa-environmental-practitioners-symposium
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