Conservation Stimulus Package – You can help!

Conservation Stimulus Package – You can help!

WALN has recently participated in the preparation of a large conservation stimulus package proposal to the Federal government as part of an Australia wide collaboration of 50 conservation organisations led by the Pew Foundation. The proposal recommends the establishment of 1000s of landcare jobs in the conservation sector to help rebuild the economy post COVID 19 and help restore and rebuild natural landscapes and communities.

Details of the Package in the letter and briefing note to the Prime Minister here —
You can also view WALNs input to the proposal here –

A fantastic video has been produced to promote the initiative and landcarers are being asked to assist to promote the Conservation Stimulus Package within the community and government. View the video here –

WALN urges its members and the wider landcare community to get on board with this proposal and promote what could be a new future for landcare.

The Pew Foundation on behalf of the many organisations involved in this initiative are asking landcarers to help in 3 ways –

  1. Please share this video far and wide on Facebook. When sharing the video, we’d recommend keeping the tone of your post warm, positive and focused on the big idea, rather than a pointed ask to policy makers already under intense pressure.
  2. Contact members of parliament this week. We’re making solid progress with key policy makers, but environment ministers will need support in cabinet and in the party room to secure stimulus funding commitments. Please (a) email the letter and briefing note  to federal and state MPs with a covering note highlighting your support; and (b) follow up with a call to their office.
  3. Consider pitching the story to media outlets in your region or state. In response to requests from a number of supporting organisations, we’ve prepared a simple communications plan with key messages to help with outreach to media.