Mick Davis takes the reigns of WA Landcare Network

Mick Davis takes the reigns of WA Landcare Network

At the organisation’s Annual General Meeting last Friday Keith Bradby OAM stepped down as Chairperson and Committee Member, Mick Davis took up the challenge of leading the organisation.

Mick thanked Keith as outgoing Chair, recognising his long term commitment to landcare and the organisation, and emphasising that he looked forward to Keith’s mentoring-ship in the role. Keith will remain on the WALN Committee as Deputy Chair.

Mick is an active member of the Friends of Upper Lesmurdie Falls and currently works as the Environmental Friends Group Officer for the City of Kalamunda. Mick worked previously for Wheatbelt NRM as their Biodiversity Program Manager and Regional Landcare Facilitator, as an ecologist for the Department of Parks and Wildlife and for WWF as a Woodland Watch Project Officer.

Mick brings passion for youth in landcare to the network and continuing commitment to better resourcing for the community based landcare sector.