The WA Landcare Network (WALN) is pleased to release the report ‘People Place Future – The Value of Community Landcare in Western Australia’.
Funded by the WA Government’s State NRM Program and prepared by Dr Danielle Brady and Dr Louise Duxbury on behalf of WALN, the Report draws upon recent research and case study examples from WA Community Landcare groups, examining the value of community landcare for people, the places they care about and the future of Western Australia. It talks about the vast diversity of on-ground action, from small to landscape scale and identifies the interconnected relationships which community landcare both utilises and builds.

“Community Landcare is much more than looking after the ocean, coasts, waterways, soils, bush and land. Community Landcare groups in WA are supporting communities by contributing to building resilience and social networks which enhance the health and well-being of participants. The sharing of knowledge across Landcare networks increases the efficiency and reach of scientific/technical information, traditional owner knowledge and local understandings…The iterative and cumulative work of many Community Landcare groups is contributing to landscape level improvements…the vision of landscape level change promoted by Landcare groups is influencing decisions and action on the ground.” P.28

The Report identifies more research is required to gain a clear picture of the full economic returns from community landcare delivery across the vast geographic diversity of Western Australian landscapes. Using this Report in its advocacy role, WALN is negotiating with government to develop a return on investment analysis to gain an even deeper understanding of the value the community landcare movement delivers to WA.
“The robust matrix of Landcare groups and organisations in WA is a valuable asset to climate-change resilience. Community Landcare networks already exist to provide support during disasters and to foster community connections in the face of change.” P.26
Read the report here http://www.landcarewa.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Value-of-Community-Landcare-in-WA-Final-Report-July-2022-Compressed-2.pdf