The WA Landcare Network has been instrumental in the formation of a Statewide Landcare/Coastcare/NRM Stakeholder Group. Following a number of initial meetings the purpose and way forward for this statewide group has now been agreed. WALN is keen to keep its members and the broader landcare community up to date on developments and how this group may assist to support the community landcare sector in WA.
Why form a Stakeholder Group?
- While organisations in the sector are clearly achieving some great changes, it was agreed that the sector lacks cohesion and collaboration.
- Collaboration is effective in focusing effort, making the most of resources, keeping motivation to commit effort high and making sure all parties are around the table contributing.
- The Group came together to formulate common messages and approaches to facilitate a collective conversation with the State Government about how Landare/Coastcare/NRM can be achieved most effectively in WA.
- The reduction in funding in the sector requires a collective approach to highlight growing gaps and issues and to ensure adequate resources are allocated in the future along with the most effective use of those resources.
- The absence of an effective state Framework and operational plan for years has left a policy void that impacts on the capacity of the whole sector. It is critical that a consultative process be established across government and community sectors to fill this void.
What is the purpose of the Landcare/Coastcare/NRM Stakeholder Group?
‘Working together to support the community effort to protect the environment of Western Australia. Highlighting challenges to move towards jointly owned solutions and actions.’
Who is the Landcare/Coastcare/NRM Stakeholder Group?
A network of peak bodies in formative state (without formal membership)
- WA Landcare Network
- Conservation Council of WA
- WA Local Government Association
- Australian Coastal Society
- WA Biodiversity Science Institute
- Grower Group Alliance
- South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council (attended one meeting)
- Central Desert Support Services (interested but does not attend)
Representative of State NRM Office, Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage attend meetings where possible and by invitation.
What is the Stakeholder Group asking from the State Government ?
The Landcare/Coastcare/NRM Stakeholder Group wants to work in conjunction with state government in development of an appropriate operational plan for the NRM Framework including:
- The documentation and evaluation of Landcare/Coastcare/NRM structures and policy in other states to determine what is working and best practice,
- A broader consultative process involving a wide range of community, business and local government stakeholders,
- A gap analysis to determine State priorities,
- An implementation plan.