Landcare Checks In
The WA Landcare Network is facilitating discussion and networking on landcare topics through its monthly Landcare Checks In sessions.
Join us in a relaxed online environment where landcare professionals, volunteers and interested individuals can learn from each other.
Our Landcare Checks In sessions are free for everyone. Please register on the Humanitix link provided to receive the Zoom link.
Sign up as a WA Landcare Network Member to receive the latest information on our upcoming sessions and other landcare events and activities.
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Check out our upcoming Landcare Checks In topics and catch up on previous sessions below.
Next Landcare Checks In
Crafting compelling stories for funding success
Wednesday12 February 2025 10.30 -11.30 am online on Zoom
Join WALN and special guests in a fascinating discussion about weaving elements of storytelling through grant applications to capture the hearts and minds of funding bodies.
Find out more and register
Learn from past ‘Landcare Checks In’ sessions
Select from the list below or scroll to find a topic of interest.
Landcare Checks In 2024
Nature Laws 101: What do Landcarers need to know?
Unlocking the potential of eDNA for landcare projects
Finding the Gold $$$ – Opportunities for Landcare in Recycling and Litter Programs
State NRM and Feral Cat Funding Information Session
Coastal Restoration – What’s working and what’s not?
The Future Drought Fund – Unpacked for Community Landcare
Healthy Country Planning and its application for landcare
Tackling Weeds in a Bushland Reserve
National Update & Opportunities for Community Landcare in 2025
Nature Laws 101: What do Landcarers need to know?
- Overview of Australia’s Nature Laws
- How Australian’s are better off when nature is thriving
- The key reform asks
- The Governments commitments so far
- How landcarers can be involved
Unlocking the potential of eDNA for landcare projects
- Join WALN and Sam Marwood, CEO Odonata Foundation to learn about the power of power of eDNA ( environmental DNA) and how it can help better understand the ecological values hidden in your patch.
Finding the Gold $$$ – Opportunities for Landcare in Recycling and Litter Programs
- Programs and funding available for projects on the ground through Keep Australia Beautiful Council (KABC) WA
- Containers for Change WA scheme and how your organisation can set up a scheme number so that you can receive donations and passive income to help you do you landcare job?
State NRM and Feral Cat Funding Information Session
- Update on significant changes to the 2024 State NRM Community Stewardship Grants Guidelines
- Information on the current 2024 Feral Cat Management Grants
Revegetation on Farms
Join WALN and Perth NRM/RegenWA for an informative Landcare Checks In discussing Revegetation on Farms.
- – Practical planting methods, tips and tools
- – Understanding soil types, conditions, and appropriate species
- – Benefits and challenges on starting a reveg project
- – Where to find funding and support?
Coastal Restoration – What’s working and what’s not?
Join WALN and the WA Coastal Marine Network (WACMN) and landcarers working in the coastal space to learn about what’s working and what’s not in your patch. This event is an open book, come and share your successes and challenges and let’s take the opportunity to learn with each other and from each other!
The Future Drought Fund – Unpacked for Community Landcare
Join WALN as we explore the Future Drought Fund (FDF) with a focus on the Drought Resilience Innovation Grants. We will have the opportunity to hear from WALN Member Groups who have been successful in receiving funding through the FDF and learn about their challenges and successes on the ground.
Healthy Country Planning and its application for landcare
Join WALN and its special guests to explore the world of healthy country planning and its application for landcare. Understand more about what healthy country planning is, how First Nations groups are using it and how landcare groups might develop co-planning processes.
Tackling Weeds in a Bushland Reserve
Join WALN and its special guests to discuss how best to tackle the seemingly insurmountable burden of introduced weeds in a bushland reserve.
This is a chance to raise your weed control issues in a forum of like minded people and to hear from others about their challenges and their strategies.
National Update & Opportunities for Community Landcare in 2025
Join WALN for an insightful Landcare Checks In featuring a special update from National Landcare Facilitator, Mel Tyas from the National Landcare Network.
Mel provides an overview of the key focus areas within the Strengthen Landcare – Nature Repair program and talk about the transition process as the NLN heads into 2025.
Atlas of Living Australia and Community Landcare
Join the WALN team and guest speaker, Juliet Seers who will provide an informative presentation on the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA), a vital tool for biodiversity monitoring and environmental management.
Juliet will highlight the ALA’s extensive database, which compiles biodiversity data from various sources, making it a rich resource for landcare groups.
Community landcare collaborating with Aboriginal Ranger Groups
- How can community landcare groups work collaboratively with Aboriginal Ranger Groups?
- How are Aboriginal Rangers funded and what future opportunities exist to expand Aboriginal Ranger Programs?
- Where in WA are Aboriginal Ranger Groups operating and what are the lessons learnt?
Increasing the success of your revegetation project in a drying climate
- What issues and challenges are landcare groups facing with their revegetation projects?
- What changes are we needing to do make to adapt to a drying climate?
- Is soil health an added consideration we should be focusing on?
Navigating the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021 – Implications for landcare
- What is the purpose and scope of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021?
- What do landcare groups need to do to comply with the new legislation?
- Which landcare activities require ACH due diligence assessments, permits or management plans?
Restoring aquatic habitat diversity in south west rivers
- Importance of aquatic species for ecosystem health and related benefits to us
- Habitat requirements of our various species (videos/images of natural systems)
- Design criteria for habitat restoration (considering species needs as well other requirements – e.g., not increasing flood risk, cost…)
- Planning and installation (logistics)
- Ecosystem responses – Harvey case study
- Tips – lessons learnt, importance of monitoring and communication, benefits of collaboration
Understanding Urban Forest Initiatives
- Urban Forest initiatives (grants, policy position, Local government working group projects)
- Local Government support for volunteers in natural area management
- Biodiversity Strategy Guidelines and Natural Area Initial Assessment templates
- Local Biodiversity and Native Vegetation Management Project (State NRM grants)
- Perth NRM’s Rewilding Project and its links with Urban Forest Initiatives.
How can WALN Membership help you do your landcare job?
- What WALN does and how it supports and builds capacity of its membership.
- Products and services WALN provides and how these can help your landcare work.
- The WA Landcare Insurance Scheme accessible to WALN Member Groups.
- The value of being part of the Collective Landcare Voice in WA.
Landcare Checks In 2022
2022 Landcare Checks In Kicks Off
Engaging Farmers in Regenerative Agriculture
Increasing our Impact with landcare advocacy
Climate Change and Ecological Restoration
Seed and Seedling Supply for Biodiverse Revegetation
Connections in Biosecurity Update
Pop Up Hot Topic – WA Forest Alliance Current Activities
Keeping our Waterways Healthy
Helping farmers to understand soil
2022 Landcare Checks In Kicks Off
- Have input to the exciting calendar of topics we have drafted using responses to our 2021 Members Survey;
- Tell us what you would you would like to get out of Landcare Checks In in 2022; and
- Take this opportunity to introduce new landcarers to the network and let us know what’s new in your patch.
Engaging Farmers in Regenerative Agriculture
- What level of adoption of regenerative agriculture is occurring in WA?
- Is it a happening thing?
- What challenges and opportunities are there in promoting regenerative principles?
- What successful techniques are being used to engage farmers?
Increasing our impact with landcare advocacy
- The National Landcare Network’s most recent policy document entitled Community Landcare $48m Futures Framework Proposal.
- What is everyone’s vision for the future of landcare?
- How can the value of community landcare be better communicated to our politicians?
- What is needed for landcare to make real impact into the future?
Climate Change and Ecological Restoration
- How should landcarers adapt their approach to ecological restoration to account for climate change?
- How will climate change affect on ground work in WA, will we ever be able to predict break of season again? Will it be different in different locations?
- Should we be changing what we plant to account for climate change?
Seed and seedling supply for biodiverse revegetation
- How can the landcare sector ensure supply of seeds and seedlings with increasing delivery of revegetation projects?
- What support do the community landcare and commercial nurseries need to supply the sector?
- How can we encourage and educate organisations (particularly those planting for carbon) to consider a more diverse species mix?
Connections In Biosecurity Update
- Find out more about recognised biosecurity groups – who are they, what’s their role and what are the priorities in your region.
- Make biosecurity connections – Connect with your Recognised Biosecurity Group and be part of our regional biosecurity discussions.
- How can you make your voice heard in the BAM Act Review?
Pop Up Hot Topic – WA Forest Alliance Current Activities
- Learn about the the current native forest issues and how they are being addressed.
- Learn ways in which organisations and individuals can support WAFA’s activities.
- Find out how to get involved in WAFA activities and how to join WAFA should you wish to do so.
Keeping Our Waterways Healthy
- What is the Healthy Estuaries WA Program?
- How are local catchment groups engaging landowners in the stream restoration and sustainable agriculture components of the program?
- How is the health of our rivers monitored through the Healthy Rivers Program and South West Index of River Condition?
Helping Farmers to Understand Soil Health
Hear from UWA Academic and 2021 General Jeffery Soil Health Award Winner, Emerita Professor Lynette Abbott about the recently released SOILHEALTH App and how farmers and landcarers can now access a wealth of soil health information at the touch of a button.
Landcare Checks In 2021
Native grasses for grazing and grain
Who’s offering what for landcare in the upcoming State election
WA State Soil Health Strategy Consultation
Western Ringtail Possum Conservation
Feral pig impacts on conservation and food production in WA
Native Grasses in the Rangelands
Citizen Science Wildlife Monitoring
Lotterywest Grants for Landcare
Draft Native Vegetation Policy Passcode: 1S=lKAX^
Attracting and Retaining Landcare Volunteers Passcode: !mXU0F5P
Investigating the impacts of off road vehicles on the WA’s coastline Passcode: HT$z4pGi
Native grasses for grazing and grain
Why are Native Grasses so valuable?
What research and trials are underway with native grasses?
How can we utilise native grasses in our system for biodiversity and productivity.
View the recording and discussion notes
Who’s offering what for landcare in the upcoming election
Current opportunities on the table
Community landcare’s wishlist
What are the key parties offering?
View the recording
Draft WA Soil Health Strategy Consultation
The Western Australian Soil Health Strategy Draft 2020 is available for public comment until 19 March 2021. Landcare Checks In discussed the Draft Strategy and how landcare groups could help provide comment on this important strategy.
View the recording and Key Points
Western Ringtail Possum Conservation
Who’s doing what to conserve the this critically endangered species?
Learn from researchers and landcarers about their current activities.
Connect with others in the field and share information.
View the Recording and Key Points
Feral pig impacts on conservation and food production in WA
Following on from recent webinar hosted by Landcare Australia about Feral Pigs across the country, Landcare Checks In continued the conversation, giving a chance for discussion and connections between landcarers working on feral pigs in WA.
View the recording and key points
Native Grasses in the Rangelands
Who is engaged in using and trialling native grasses in the rangelands?
What new approaches are being used?
What assistance and resources do landcarers/farmers need?
View the recording and key points
A Carbon Farming Future
Following on from our Regional Carbon Forum in Cranbrook:
What’s in the Carbon Industry Overview
What’s Carbon Positive Australia’s CarbonCare Project all about
What further resources do landcarers/farmers need?
View the recording and key points
Citizen Science and Wildlife Monitoring
What are the licensing requirements for citizen science projects?
How are DBCA and DPIRD responding with policy development and processes for licensing of citizen science projects?
Where can groups access more information and assistance with applications?
View the recording
Are we winning with foxes
What is the impact of foxes for conservation and for agriculture?
What are the latest approaches to fox control? What’s effective and what’s not?
What challenges are landcare groups facing when engaging landowner to adopt long term fox control strategies?
View the recording
Ecosystem and Human Health
What did the National Well Being Survey tell us?
What is the Ecohealth Network all about?
How are on ground Ecohealth projects being rolled out?
Lotterywest Grants for Landcare
What types of projects will Lotterywest fund?
How can groups apply for Lotterywest funding?
Get tips on how to write a great application
View the recording
Blue Carbon incentives for WA
What is Blue Carbon?
What are Blue Carbon opportunities for WA?
What could be the dangers of Blue Carbon offsets?
Draft Native Vegetation Policy
How is the draft policy looking?
Will it provide adequate protection for this important natural asset and does it meet the needs of the community landcare sector.
How can landcare groups provide input to this important policy.
View the recording
Passcode: 1S=lKAX^
Attracting and Retaining Volunteers
How can landcare groups attract and retain a wide range of volunteers?
Learn from Intrepid Landcare about new ways to engage our younger generation.
How can we successfully retain landcare volunteers?
View the recording Passcode: !mXU0F5P
Investigating the impacts of off-road vehicle activity on WA’s coastline
What impacts are off road vehicles having on the Western Australian coast?
Who is investigating these impacts and working on solutions?
Can behavioural change programs be used to address these issues?
View the recording
Passcode: HT$z4pGi
Cane Toad Management in WA
Who is involved in cane toad management in WA
What is the threat to WA biosecurity
How can Landcare groups help?
View the recording and discussion notes
State Soil Health Strategy
Sharing approach and responses to the call for community input.
View the recording and discussion notes
Seed Collection and Propagation Services
Who’s out there in the native seed collection and propagation industry?
What do landcare groups need?
What are the community landcare nurseries providing?
View the recording and discussion notes
Farmer Led Response to Climate Action
What is the Farmers for Climate Action group up to?
Who are AgZero2030?
What support is available for farmers and how can the landcare community help?
View the recording and discussion notes
2020 Planting Season Debrief
How successful was the 2020 planting season?
Who did what and where and what do survival rates look like?
What where some of the challenges and lessons learnt?
View the recording
Feral Cats
What’s the Statewide Working Group doing?
What is the latest research?
What are groups doing in the feral cat space?
View the recording
Citizen Science
What role can citizen science play in landcare?
Who is doing citizen science? Let’s share project stories from groups
How is citizen science being funded and what support is available?
View the recording and discussion notes
Network Gatherings and Forums
What do landcarers want?
View the discussion notes. No video available
Talking Pollinators
The current status of pollinators in WA
What current research is being undertaken
What are the current threats and how do we protect our pollinators.
View the recording and discussion notes
What’s Next for Land For Wildlife
Who is currently coordinating Land for Wildlife?
What do landowners need?
How can Land for Wildlife be properly resourced?
View the recording
2020 Dieback Conference Wrap Up
What were the key outcomes of the 2020 Dieback Information Group Conference and the South Coast NRM Dieback Information Forum?
Are we winning the war on dieback?
What are landcarers doing in the dieback space?
View the recording
Follow Up on 2020 Planting Season COVID 19 Issues
Core Business Funding
How are landcarers travelling with COVID 19?
What issues are groups still facing to achieve their plantings?
What activities would landcarers like to see in a WALN Core Business Proposal?
View the discussion notes.
Let’s Talk Biosecurity
What is the role of the WA Biosecurity Council?
What consultation processes are proposed on biosecurity.
What conversations would biosecurity groups and other landcare groups like on the topic
View the recording and discussion notes
Follow Up on COVID 19
State NRM Community Stewardship Grants
Have we resolved some of our COVID 19 issues?
State NRM Grants area open. What’s new this year?
View the recording
View the discussion notes.
WA Coastal and Marine Community Network
What is the WA Marine Coastal Community Network all about and where did the idea come from?
What has happened to this point?
What do grassroots coastcare groups need and want from a network?